Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years!!!!!!! 2009!!!!!!

Coming into the week before New Years.. I really had no idea what I was going to do. Aubs and I thought about throwing a party, until Amber and Whitney informed me that some guys were going to Bear Lake to go snowmobiling... was i in? Heck Yeah!!!
New Years Eve came around and we were supposed to be leaving Draper at 6:00 pm. But then we get the dreaded call from Whit saying she had to work until 8:00 pm. 8 isn't too late, right? we figured we would get there by 10:30 so it wouldn't be bad!

well.... things happened (like they always seem to do) and we didn't leave Draper until 9:00 pm! could we make it? Tom Tom (a GPS system) said we would arrive at 11:43 pm. Just enough time to bring in the new year!! The car was full of food, fireworks, and fun!! Whitney, Amber, myself, and Jimmy were headed up and excited as ever!!

We played the alphabet game (yes i won) and it was very intense! we are all competitive so you could only imagine! The car ride was full of conversations from dating, family, music, penguins, park city, awkward dates (i won that too), first dates, first kiss, yadda yadda yadda.

We finally made it to bear lake at 11:43 (bless Tom Tom) when Jimmy then informed us that our car wouldn't be able to make it up to the cabin, and we would have to wait for "the boys" to come get us... great! Were we going to be spending the first moments of 2009 in a car? hmm.. lets hope not!!

our friends rescued us at 11:58 pm!!! so technically
we spent new years following a "bumblebee" driving
a 4-wheeler up to a cabin! but no worries, we cheated
and set our clocks back 5 minutes so we made it!!! haha

We brought in the new years shooting Roman Candles at our friends Jimmy, JD, Ryan, and Jesse running around in their swimsuits!

Don't worry, the drinks we are holding are non-alcoholic :)
we had an awesome trip full of spiritual talks and non-alcoholic

I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate the last moments of 2008! As most of you know, it was a tough year for me. I tried my hardest to clean up my act and be a little more mature! I have grown so much in 2008 and I don't regret a thing. I had a lot of "almost engagements" and
some definite heartbreaks.. but I grew from them and learned a lot.

The first day of the New Year was full of bundling up in our snow gear and jumping on the snowmobiles! Amber was fortunate enough to ride on the back of the 4 wheeler with Ryan, while holding a tube! Later on, she did fall off the 4 wheeler.. but the tube did cushion her fall!

I was fortunate enough to ride with JD, whom decided to go off all the jumps and leave me to fly in the air! haha he felt bad and decided to slow down cuz he thought he heard me crying.. when in reality i was LAUGHING and saying "Do it again! Do it again!!" He was shocked and said that most girls would freak out and jump off and just walk home, but he then realized I wasn't like most girls :)

The 2 day trip was full of Rock Band on a broken 1980's t.v. Junk food, Pop, Fireworks, Snuggle Sessions to keep from freezing to death, Memories of "Jimmy Jokes", lots and lots of laughs, tears, remembering the bad times of 08 as well as the good ones, talking about previous relationships.. good and bad. creep dates, and overall we made some AWESOME memories that not even altzheimers can take away!!

While we were at the cabin, we all went around and told "How great was 2008?!" We talked about how great it was Relationsip wise, Spiritual, Economical, Family, and Friends. It was awesome to recap a whole year and think about all the awesome memories! Better yet, to realize that it's a new year for new memories!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my AMY!!!!!!!! You girls always have a good time no matter where you are! ha ha i was laughing so hard about your new years trip! That sounds like it was fun! I love you!
